13) Summary

Learning from other people who have had similar experiences can be very useful but everyone is different, so what works for one person might not work for someone else. However, these are some tips from John’s friends that you might find useful;

  • Rosie, looking happier

    Decide what your goal is.

    You may have days or weeks when you feel you’re not making progress or that you’re having a set back. This is normal. Try not to lose heart – keep going!

  • Jim

    Think about when you want to achieve your goal by and write it down.

    It’s good to be ambitious, but don’t make it too hard for yourself.

  • Gita

    Try to make a change that you can make last – not just for the present.

    Think about people or organisations that can support you to reach your goal – family, friends, health or care workers, volunteer helpers.

  • Magda

    You might decide that the goal is no longer useful, practical or important. That’s fine. If something else has taken its place, can you set a different goal for it?

    Think about reaching your goal. How will you reward yourself?

Key point

Remember, if you’ve reached your goal you can use the goal setting plan for any further goals you wish to set yourself.