Topic 4 Emotional support
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Being intimate Introduction
- Introduction
- What does communication mean to me?
- It will help you to understand
- Sue and Steve
- Hear from some people whose lives have changed after stroke
- Rating conversations
- Where are you now?
- Concerns
- Karen
- Rating your last conversations
- How I feel
- What could work for you
- Stuart
- What affects our communication?
- Low mood
- Conclusion
- Richard
- How to improve communication
- Lets look at what Eric did
- Take home messages
- Being confident and assertive
- Eric's Goal Plan
- Who’s in my world?
- How to become more assertive
- Adjusting to change
- Relationships with the people in my world
- Maybe I’m too sensitive
- Thoughts, feelings and actions
- Things to think about
- How to improve your communication
- Some things to try
- Feeling isolated
- What Others Can Do
- Sue and Steve
- Richard's story
- Sharing with others
- Writing Therapy - You and Your Story
- Asking for help
- Difficult topics
- Guidance for Day 1. Writing Session
- Kelly and Jean in the Cafe - jumping in too soon
- The road ahead
- Guidance for Day 2. Writing Session
- Kelly and Jean in the cafe - not getting help
- Set your own goals
- Guidance for Day 3. Writing Session
- Kelly and Jean in the cafe - asking for help
- What Happens Next?
- Conclusion
- What we've learned from Kelly and Jean
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Conclusion
- Take home messages
- Conclusion