7) Eric’s Goal Plan

Goal setting plan

1. What is my goal?
I want to get out more by doing things which keep me active
2. Where am I at just now?
Date: July 2012
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3. My action list
By when?
Attend CHSS stroke group weekly
Attend exercise group weekly
1 month
1 month
4. How am I doing?
Date: Sept 2012
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5. What’s next on my list?
To try volunteering work at my local Care Home.

Eric-NotepadMy goal is to get out more and start doing things that get me active again so that I can feel a bit like my old self.  It all seemed a bit overwhelming however the goal planner which I now use has helped me make sense of what I want to achieve and how to achieve it.

Download the goal setting plan [.pdf, 49 KB]