3) Two months later…

Jane and Deirdre chat at their local stroke group. Select the arrow keys to hear Deirdre’s story.

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Jane and Deirdre chat two months later at their local group

Scene 1

  • Jane: Hello Deirdre, how are you?
  • Deirdre: Much better Jane, thank you, much better.

Scene 2

  • Jane: What’s helped?
  • Deirdre: You were right. I’m still tired, but its easier to cope with. I use my daily diary, and I get more done because I pace myself and relax. And I don’t give myself a hard time now.

Scene 3

  • Deirdre: Setbacks are a chance to learn, problem solve. I finally feel like I’m coping, at last.


Something to think about

Do any of these ideas sound useful to you? It might be worth giving them a try.

Let’s go on to look at the problem-solving sheet that Jane and Deirdre talked about.

Templates to download

Download the Daily activity diary [.pdf, 50KB]

Download the problem-solving sheet [.pdf, 330 KB]