8) Lightening the Load

You will see from your list that there are some things you can control and others you can’t.

Things you can control are things you can prepare for.

Lets look at what was weighing the bag down …

How am I going to get there and back?
Make arrangements well in advance. Could you ask a friend for a lift? Do you have a favourite taxi company? Always take a note of where you are going in case you need to ask for directions. Mini car
What if I can’t answer questions and lose track of conversation?
Have some phrases you have prepared earlier. Would having a friend with you to help in the conversation. Having a pen and paper with you can be useful. Don’t be afraid to ask someone to repeat or slow down. 2 people talking
Will I manage my lunch?
Can you check the menu in advance. Why don’t you take prefered utensils with you if they help. Take some wipes if you are worried about making a mess. Ask for a half portion if you have a small appetite. disc_fish-chips
Where is the nearest toilet?
Ask as soon as you arrive at your venue. Choose a seat that is easy to get out of and is closer to the bathroom. Always have a change of anything you might need handy. Toilet signage
What if I forget the names of my grandchildren?
Why don’t you carry a set of pictures. This could be on your phone, tablet or in a small album. If you use conversation support books, take them with you. Snapshots of children
What if I get emotional?
Have some phrases handy to excuse yourself. If this is likely to happen do you think you could explain to people before hand? Take tissues! Tissue box
Will I get too tired?
Try to plan your week around important activities. For example have a quiet day before you go out and don’t over stretch yourself after. Pace yourself – go for a short time at first. Tired Zzz

Something to think about

Do any of this tips sound useful?
Why not give them a try?

Download the Lightening the Load sheet [.pdf, 299 KB]