6) What would you like to be doing?

So now you have your list. If it is quite lengthy you might want to prioritise a few things.

Let’s hear about how Betty went about this…

Let’s hear about how Betty went about this… Select the arrow keys to hear Betty’s story.

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Scene 1: There’s just so much going on. My family are really good and supportive. Always checking in on me and getting me involved in things.

Scene 2: My daughter’s dead keen on us going away for a wee break to Spain for a bit of sunshine. (postcard from Spain)

Scene 3: My son has been on the phone wanting me to go down to see him and the grandkids. (Train journey)

Scene 4: I have also got my goddaughter’s wedding coming up. It’s all happening right now and I feel…well…overwhelmed. (Wedding invitation)

Scene 5: Do you know I even found myself ignoring the phone last night because I knew it would be one of them trying to talk me into things. Och.. they mean well.  I felt so bad about ignoring the phone, I knew it was time to sit down and work out what was important to me and what I think I can manage just now. (phone ringing)

Scene 6: What I really want more than anything at the moment is just to meet up with my friends at the lunch club for a blether. (Betty’s priority list)

Betty’s Priority List

  • Spain – Cross
  • Train Journey – Not right now
  • Wedding – Wait and see
  • Lunch club – Tick

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“There’s just so much going on. My family are really good and supportive. Always checking in on me and getting me involved in things.”

“My daughter’s dead keen on us going away for a wee break to Spain for a bit of sunshine.”

“My son has been on the phone wanting me to go down to see him and the grandkids.”

“I have also got my goddaughter’s wedding coming up. It’s all happening right now and I feel…well…overwhelmed.”

“Do you know I even found myself ignoring the phone last night because I knew it would be one of them trying to talk me into things. Och.. they mean well. I felt so bad about ignoring the phone, I knew it was time to sit down and work out what was important to me and what I think I can manage just now.”

“What I really want more than anything at the moment is just to meet up with my friends at the lunch club for a blether.”

Something to try

As you can see it took a bit of soul searching for Betty to come to her decision. She has prioritised what matters to her and what she feels she can manage. Why don’t you try the same thing?

Download the goal setting plan [.pdf, 51 KB]