9) How do I get involved?

Now that you are considering joining an organised activity, sports club or exercise programme, here are some questions which you may find useful to ask and write down the answers.

How do I find out more?

  • Find contact details
  • Telephone or email to find out more details about the activity
  • If there is a website, use it to find information on the activity
  • Speak to somebody who already goes
  • Go along to visit if possible
  • Look at GP notice board
  • If you are not confident talking take someone with you to help

Is it appropriate for me?

  • Fitness class: Does the fitness instructor have experience working with people who have had a stroke?
  • What size is the class?
  • Do people with stroke or other conditions attend?
  • Are you required to check with your GP before attending?
  • Walking group: what distances do they do?
  • Do the walks include steep hills?
  • Are there places to rest?
  • Sport: What level do the members play at?
  • Is there a way of adapting the sport of required?
  • Is there a facility for playing for fun

How do I get there?

How far is it from your home?
Can you walk there?
Do you need to take bus?
Is there a direct bus route?
Is the stop outside the venue or nearby?
Do you need a buddy?
Do you have a taxi card/ use dial a bus?
Have you a wheelchair?
Is the venue wheelchair accessible?
Is the venue set up for wheelchair users- toilets etc.
Consider the internal environment-steps rails etc.

I’m going to do it!

Schedule a day and time to go.
Check start and finish times
Check access if the activity is in a building
Check access of toilet facilities
Plan how you are going to get there
Go along early to get settled
Take refreshments in case none available on site. ( Water)
Arrange to go along with a family member or friend


Something to try

Why don’t you print these questions and have them handy when looking into leisure activities?

More information