8) Try the setback quiz!

Q. Which of the following statements are true or false. Select true or false for each one.
Setbacks should never happen
I should see setbacks as failure
The best way to handle setbacks is to give up
Some problems can’t be solved
Hearing about other people’s problems is unhelpful
I shouldn’t ask for help, I have to do this on my own

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  1. Setbacks should never happen – No, setbacks are a normal part of recovery and adjustment to a stroke.
  2. I should see setbacks as failure – No, I should see setbacks as normal learning. Do it differently. What not to do.
  3. The best way to handle setbacks is to give up – No, the best way to handle setbacks is to take control.
  4. Some problems can’t be solved – Yes, sometimes problems can’t be solved, however, if you break it down into small steps you can often find a way round it.
  5. Hearing about other people’s problems is unhelpful – No, it can help to share stories of others setbacks and coping ideas.
  6. I shouldn’t ask for help, I have to do this on my own – No, it is good to get help on your terms. Have a plan. What help do you need? Take control.