6) How you can move forward

You’ve heard how Mary, Allan and Neil have moved forward. Let’s think about how you’re going to do this. Fill out the sheet below to remind yourself of how you could move forward in your activity levels.

Q. The following things may help you move forward in being more active. Select which applies to you.
I pace myself to manage my energy levels.
I note how far I can walk so that I can measure my improvements.
I explore new ways to improve my levels of physical activity.
I share my ambition with friends and family.
I see opportunities to be more active in everyday situations.
I realize that it is challenging but I don’t give up.
I will enjoy all the positive aspects of being more physically active.
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Something to try

You might think of other ways on how to move forward, that’s great. Keep a note of them and write them at the bottom of this sheet.

Key point

If you keep a note of your plans, you’re more likely to achieve them.