10) What Betty did next!

It might help you to know what I did… Select the arrow keys to find out.

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Scene 1: Well… I finally came clean to my family and explained to them that they were asking too much of me.  I told them that in time, yes I would like to do all of the things they are inviting me to, but right know I have to focus on me and taking small steps.

Scene 2: I showed my daughter my planning list I was working on to get back to my wee lunch club. I think when she saw how much thought went into planning something, that before my stroke I thought nothing about, she realised that she was asking a lot of me.

Betty’s planning list:

What does Betty want to do? – Get to the lunch Club
Problems Identify them
  • Getting to the loo on time
  • Seeing all my friends again – might be overwhelmed
Prioritise What can I do something about? Both things
Plan Your first steps I know there is a easy access loo at the restaurant, will have to remind myself where it is
Prepare for the event Will ask my daughter to come with me the first time for a bit of support
Ponder What worked for me?
  • Support from my daughter.
  • The routine – knowing that we meet there every week makes me more comfortable with things

Scene 3: She is much more understanding, as is my son. They check my list with me and offer suggestions to help. Always scouting about for the nearest loo for me!  I had better buy a hat. I might get to that wedding after all!

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“Well… I finally came clean to my family and explained to them that they were asking too much of me.  I told them that in time, yes I would like to do all of the things they are inviting me to, but right know I have to focus on me and taking small steps.”

“I showed my daughter my planning list I was working on to get back to my wee lunch club. I think when she saw how much thought went into planning something, that before my stroke I thought nothing about, she realised that she was asking a lot of me.”

“She is much more understanding, as is my son. They check my list with me and offer suggestions to help. Always scouting about for the nearest loo for me!  I had better buy a hat. I might get to that wedding after all!”

Key point

Sharing your planning list with friends and family can help to enlist their support.