5) Why aren’t you sleeping?

There can be many reasons for not sleeping well following your stroke. Limb pain, feeling uncomfortable, continence issues, financial worries and fear of another stroke are just a few of the causes which may disrupt your sleep.

Rajeet: stroke recurrence, not sleeping


When I came out of hospital at first I was sleeping with the lights on worried about having another stroke. As I live alone I was worried there would be no one to help me. I discussed these worries with my stroke nurse who suggested I could use a relaxation CD and arranged for social work to organise an alert alarm.

Magda: Financial worries, not sleeping


When I first had my stroke I was worried about money as I was not sure if I could return to work. I kept in touch with my boss who reassured me I would be able to gradually return to work. I also found that the advice and support I had from Citizens Advice Scotland was of great benefit.

As we have seen from Magda and Rajeet their sleep has been disturbed because of their stroke. However not all of the reasons for a poor night’s sleep may be related to your stroke.

Something to think about

Think about how were you sleeping before your stroke. Are some of the difficulties you are experiencing now the same as before your stroke?

Let’s look at some of the things that people try to help them sleep.