6) Goal setting refresher

If you have identified a warning sign that might cause a setback it may be useful to set a goal to avoid this from happening.

You can download the goal setting plan [.pdf, 49 KB] to set your own goals.

Here is a reminder of what to think about.

What Is My Goal?

Ask yourself what you want to achieve? Keep in mind that small changes can make a big difference. Write your goal down, it’s a really positive first step in helping you to achieve success.

Where am I at just now?

In order to move forward and make progress its important to know where your starting point is. A scale can make it easier to record (0 = no progress & 10 = goal achieved) then you can see at a glance.

My Action List

So how best can you achieve your goal? Where do you start? Write down some actions that will help you to achieve your goal.
When it comes to taking action you may wish to focus on one thing at a time…its up to you!

By When?

Putting a time limit on a goal can help you to get organised and can also help you keep on track. Remember to be flexible its ok to adjust the time to whatever works best for you

How Am I Doing?

Keeping track of the progress you are making helps to keep you motivated and can give your confidence a boost. Again you can see at a glance how far you’ve come!

What’s next on my List?

What’s next on your action list, or is it time to make a new goal? You decide and start the process again………

If you need a full refresher and to see some examples visit the Goal setting section.

Key point

You’re more likely to succeed if you write your goal down or record it.