
Selfhelp4stroke was made possible by the many people, who shared their stories, experience and time.
Please select each section to find out who was involved.

Special thanks

Thank you to

  • Halbealth Park and Ride, Stagecoach East Scotland
  • Staff at Silverknowles Golf Club and Drumbrae Leisure Centre, Edinburgh Leisure
  • St Margaret’s Hospice Education Centre, Clydebank
  • Vine Conference Centre, Dunfermline

Who were very generous and flexible in the use of their facilities for filming.

Finally special thanks to all the service users, carers and health professionals who contributed to the focus groups and shared their stories, especially all the members of the Lanarkshire Stroke Lifestyle Management Programme lead by Campbell Chalmers and Anne Armstrong, where the idea of Selfhelp4stroke originated from.

Steering Group

Steering Group
Name Organisation
Campbell Chalmers (CHAIR) Stroke Nurse Consultant , NHS Lanarkshire
Heather Bryceland (Project Manager) Project Manager Selfhelp4stroke, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Margaret Somerville Director Advice & Support, Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland
Lynn Reid Head of Education Programmes, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Prof. Martin Dennis Chair National Advisory Committee for Stroke / Stroke Consultant NHS Lothian
Nicola Cotter Voices Scotland Lead / COSMIC, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Anne Armstrong Young Stroke Support Worker, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland /NHS Lanarkshire
Dr Lisa Kidd Research Fellow, Public Health, Glasgow Caledonian University
Therese Jackson Consultant Occupational Therapist, NHS Grampian
Sheena Borthwick Speech & Language Therapist, Clinical Specialist Stroke, NHS Lothian
Charlie Chung Occupational Therapist, Clinical Specialist Stroke, NHS Fife
Gill Alexander Stroke AHP Consultant, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Mark Smith Consultant Physiotherapist Strategic AHP Lead Stroke Rehabilitation – NHS Lothian
Stewart Cromar Interactive Content Manager, Learning Teaching and Web, Edinburgh University
Jayne McKerrow Community Stroke Services, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Dr Maggie Lawrence Stroke Association Senior Research Training Fellow, Institute for Applied Health Research/School of Health and Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University
Hazel Fraser Stroke Specialist Nurse, NHS Fife
Mr John Fogerty NHS Lanarkshire Lifestyle Programme
Mr Bill Rodman NHS Lanarkshire Lifestyle Programme

Accessible Information Focus Group

Accessible Information Focus Group
Name Job title Organisation
Jackie Aim Interactive Content Developer Learning Teaching and Web Division, Edinburgh University
Frances Bailey Project Manager My Lungs my Life Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Heather Bryceland Project Manager Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Sheena Borthwick Speech & Language Therapy Clinical Lead for Stroke NHS Lothian
Charlie Chung OT Stroke Clinical Specialist NHS Fife
Dr Emma Coutts Principle Speech & Language Therapist Fraserburgh Hospital, NHS Grampian
Gillian Currie Stroke Education Facilitator Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Anne Marie Irving Speech & Language Therapy Coordinator NHS Forth Valley
Vanessa Kelly Senior Occupational Therapist Edinburgh Community Stroke Service
NHS Lothian
Juliet Mackellaig Champions of Self Management in Care (COSMIC) Team Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Lynne Robertson Interactive Content Developer Learning Teaching and Web Division, Edinburgh University

Getting Started Authors

Getting Started Authors
Name Job title Organisation
Therese Jackson Group Lead
Consultant Occupational Therapist for Stroke
NHS Grampian
Campbell Chalmers Stroke Nurse Consultant NHS Lanarkshire
Dr Maggie Lawrence Stroke Association Senior Research Training Fellow, Institute for Applied Health Research/School of Health and Life Sciences
Glasgow Caledonian University
Glasgow Caledonian University
Dr Lisa Kidd Senior Research Fellow
Public Health
Glasgow Caledonian University
Glasgow Caledonian University
Anne Armstrong Young Stroke Support Worker Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland / NHS Lanarkshire
Nicola Cotter Voices Scotland Lead Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Dr Emma Coutts Principal Speech and Language Therapist NHS Grampian
Lisa Marshall Stroke Physiotherapist NHS Grampian
Abbie Smith Stroke Occupational Therapist NHS Grampian
Heather Bryceland Selfhelp4stroke Project Manager Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland

Keeping Well Authors

Keeping Well Authors
Name Job title Organisation
Maggie Lawrence Group Lead
Stroke Association Senior Research Training Fellow
Glasgow Caledonian University
Elaine Grubb Stroke Education Facilitator & Stroke Nurse Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Pauline Halliday Stroke Specialist Occupational Therapist NHS Lothian
Julia Haydon Community Pharmacist NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Heather Hunter Stroke Specialist Nurse NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Ann Marie Irving Stroke Specialist Speech & Language Therapist NHS Forth Valley
Jayne McKerrow Community Stroke Services Regional Manager Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Morag Ogilvie Dietetic Lead NHS Forth Valley
Margaret Somerville Director of Advice & Support Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Heather Bryceland Selfhelp4stroke Project Manager Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland

Being Active Authors

Being Active Authors
Name Job title Organisation
Mark Smith Group Lead
Consultant Physiotherapist and Strategic AHP Lead Stroke Rehabilitation
NHS Lothian
Audrey Bruce Lead Stroke Nurse Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland /NHS Lothian
Charlie Chung Stroke Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapist NHS Fife
Cathrin Griffiths Health and Wellbeing Manager Thistle Foundation
Vanessa Kelly Community Outreach Occupational Therapist Lothian Community Stroke Services
Gillian Mead Professor of Stroke and Elderly Care Medicine, University of Edinburgh and Honorary Consultant NHS Lothian
Fredricke van Wijck Professor of Neurological Rehabilitation Institute for Applied Health Research and School of Health and Life Sciences GCU
Heather Bryceland Selfhelp4stroke Project Manager Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Sarah Florida – James Project Manager Person-centred Activities for people with Respiratory, Cardiac and Stroke (PARCS) Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland

Emotional Support Authors

Emotional Support Authors
Name Job title Organisation
Hazel Fraser Group Lead Stroke Specialist Nurse NHS Fife
Sheena Borthwick Stroke Specialist Speech & Language Therapist NHS Lothian
Sara Gaughan Stroke Occupational Therapist NHS Fife
Joanne Graham Stroke Educational Facilitator Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland / NHS Fife
Dr Alan Harper Stroke Clinical Psychologist NHS Fife
Ben Sutherland Rehabilitation Nurse Consultant NHS Fife
Dr Elaine Duncan Psychologist & Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Social Work and Allied Health Sciences. Glasgow Caledonian University
Heather Bryceland Selfhelp4stroke Project Manager Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland

Coping With Setbacks and Moving On Authors

Coping With Setbacks and Moving On Authors
Name Job title Organisation
Gill Alexander Group Lead
AHP Stroke Consultant
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Niall Broomfield Stroke Clinical Psychology Lead NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Fiona Cook Stroke Physiotherapist NHS Lanarkshire
Hazel Hamilton Stroke Coordinator NHS Highland
Susan Kennedy Stroke Occupational Therapist NHS Lanarkshire
Linda Morrow Director of Community Stroke Services Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Lorna Nicolson Senior Speech & Language Therapist NHS Fife

Web Team

Web Team
Name Job title Organisation
Stewart Cromar Interactive Content Manager Learning Teaching and Web, Edinburgh University
Lynne Robertson Interactive Content Developer Learning Teaching and Web, Edinburgh University
Jackie Aim Interactive Content Developer Learning Teaching and Web, Edinburgh University
Stuart Brett Interactive Content Developer Learning Teaching and Web, Edinburgh University
Nicola Symmers eLearning Systems Developer Learning Teaching and Web, Edinburgh University
Ross Ward Digital Education Advisor Learning Teaching and Web, Edinburgh University

Film and video production

Film and video production
Name Organisation
John Archer Director/Producer Ambient Productions
George Pomery Camera/Sound operator Ambient Productions

Critical Reviewers

Critical Reviewers
Name Organisation
Dr Emma Coutts Principle Speech & Language Therapist
Fraserburgh Hospital
NHS Grampian

Lynn Reid Head of Education Programmes, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Hazel Hamilton Stroke Coordinator, NHS Highland
Dr Susan Kerr Reader in Public Health, Institute for Applied Health Research, School of Health & Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University
Professor Frederickie van Wijck Professor of Neurological Rehabilitation, Institute for Applied Health Research and School of Health and Life Sciences GCU
Professor Gillian Mead Professor of Stroke and Elderly Care Medicine, University of Edinburgh and Honorary Consultant NHS Lothian
Mark Smith Consultant Physiotherapist and Strategic AHP Lead Stroke Rehabilitation – NHS Lothian
Gillian Capriotti Clinical Specialist SLT, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Leanne Gillespie Advice Line Nurse, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Hazel Fraser Stroke Specialist Nurse NHS Fife
Fiona Sales Stroke Education Facilitator, NHS Grampian, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Dr Elaine Duncan Psychologist & Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Social Work and Allied Health Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University
Peter Kerr Stroke Specialist Nurse, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Anita Kilpatrick
Helen Scott
Willie Ballantyne
Jim Muir
John Fogarty
Bill Rodman
Liz McCann
Members of the Lanarkshire Cosmic Network
Members of the Fraserburgh Living with Aphasia Group
Members of the Stonehaven Living with Aphasia Group


Name Organisation
Andrew Hebson Fit for Life Development Officer, Edinburgh Leisure
Ryan Martin Health Development Offer, Edinburgh Leisure
Mark West Eco Driver Champion, Stagecoach East Scotland
John Fogarty NHS Lanarkshire Lifestyle Programme
Bill Rodman NHS Lanarkshire Lifestyle Programme
Neil Sutherland Service User Representative, NHS Lothian
Allan Ritchie Service User Representative, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Isobel Walker Service User Representative, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Jenny Steele Service User Representative, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde